The important bits
Selenite vibrates high, is strong and powerful but is calming. It is also used by some of my clients to hold anxiety in it's place.
It can be excellent for clarity, understanding and concentration.
It also keeps specific areas of a room clear of unwanted energy.
It can also be used to form a protection grid in the home.
It can can remove negative energy and help you connect to higher realms.
It can be used to cleanse other crystals and crystal jewellery simply by laying them on the selenite. You can do this for 10mins to 12hrs or more.
As a wand Selenite can be used to dissolve or cut through energy blocks or to detach or remove stubborn entities, spirits and ghosts.
Selenite itself does not need to be cleansed although it does not hurt to cleanse it using smudge sticks.
Selenite should not be placed in water.
Mineral Information
Origin: Worldwide, notably Brazil and Morocco.
Mineral Species: Gypsum.
Mineral Group: Sulphates.
Chemical Formula: CaSO4.2H2O.
Hardness: 2.
Crystal System: Monoclinic.
Colour: Colourless to white. Grey, brown, beige, orange, pink, yellow, light red, green.
Typical Appearance: Crystals tabular, prismatic or acicular. Granular masses and fibrous masses (Satin Spar).
Astrological and Other Information
Birthstone: Taurus.
Chakra Alignment: Crown.
Element: None although can related back to the elements of the associated star sign.
Warrior Strength to those who deserve it & Destruction to those who need it!
International Psychic Medium Witch Madame Verveine+ Witchcraft Practitioner Author ArtistMentorOwner and Founder of BeWitchy
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